Apollo.io vs. ZoomInfo

The 1980s had D&B. The 2000s had ZoomInfo. The 2020s have Apollo.io.

98% email accuracy

53.4% average reduction in cost

275M contacts

Monthly or annual contracts

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See why 1,000,000+ sellers have joined Apollo over the last year

What's the difference?

How Apollo.io gets its data

All-in-one sales execution suite

The most-loved sales technology on the planet

Apollo.io's biggest data differentiator is its contributory network powered by 2M users (and growing).

These users willingly share business contacts with Apollo.io via connected inboxes.

They also send emails and make calls via Apollo.io's native sales engagement features.

This allows us to verify data and enhance our accuracy like no other vendor in the space.

Unlike ZoomInfo's contributory network, our product-led approach draws significantly more contributors.

This lets us offer our users unmatched data accuracy and breadth, such as 2% bounce rates and a 30-day average contact record refresh.

How Apollo.io gets its data

What's similar?

It's common for us to be compared to ZoomInfo.

Both of our offerings revolve around B2B business and contact data, complemented by a suite of tools to support the entire sales process.

For clarity, here's a list of fundamental features that we both provide.

Available as a paid add-on only

Verified email addresses
Direct dial business & mobile numbers
Contact & company attributes
CRM, API and CSV integrations and enrichment
Custom workflow builder
Lead scoring
Plays & recommendations
Chrome extension
Reporting & analytics
De-anonymized website visitor information
3rd-party intent signals
International contact and company data
Sales engagement
Conversation intelligence
Deal intelligence
Goal tracking & coaching
Meeting routing/scheduling
Get started with Apollo.io today

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